The Address class is designed to wrap a Postcode Address File (PAF) record and provide utility methods to make this data more readily consumable for humans

Address requires an object of type AddressRecord to be instantiated which is comprised of fields readily found on PAF

Address can be used to

  • Compute address lines based on premise and locality information
  • Sensibly compute a premise label based on (sub) building name and number
  • Sensibly compute number and unit labels based on (sub) building name and number
  • Sensibly sort an array of addresses


// Formatting an address

const address = new Address({
postcode: "WS11 5SB",
post_town: "CANNOCK",
dependant_locality: "",
double_dependant_locality: "",
thoroughfare: "Pye Green Road",
building_number: "",
building_name: "Flower House 189A",
sub_building_name: "",
dependant_thoroughfare: "",
organisation_name: 'S D Alcott Florists',


// {
// postcode: 'WS11 5SB',
// post_town: 'CANNOCK',
// line_1: 'S D Alcott Florists',
// line_2: 'Flower House',
// line_3: '189a Pye Green Road',
// unit: ""
// number: "189a"
// premise: "Flower House, 189a"
// }


// Formatting an address

const addresses = await query("SELECT * FROM postcode_address_file LIMIT 10");

.map(address => new Address(address)) // Instantiate an `Address` instances
.sort(Address.sort) // Now sort

// Print an example to console
.forEach(address => console.log(address.line_1));
// "190 Elm Road"
// "190a Elm Road"
// "191 Elm Road"
// "191a Elm Road"
// "192 Elm Road"
// "193 Elm Road"
// "193a Elm Road"
// "197 Elm Road"
// "197a Elm Road"
// "199 Elm Road"


  • Address


  • Returns an object representing an address with sensibly computed address line labels according to Royal Mail's formatting rules

    Returns FormattedAddress

  • Returns a complete JSON representation of the Address instance

    Returns AddressJSON

  • A function which allow two Address objects to be compared. This function can be readily fed into Array.prototype.sort


    Returns number

